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Champ Skates Co., Ltd has adopted a new domin name for its national users.

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Champ Skates Co., Ltd. has seen its 40-year anniversary , as the premier China manufacturer of various skates. Its products have been equiped for worldwide traditional figure skaters, hockey players, and prevailing speed skaters.

China Hockey Legend across Centuries

The factory was founded in 1970 by  Lui Shih-Ching and Alan Yaenn, one of the earliest professional players of  mainland China Hockey Team, once the national champion hockey team captain,  now the National Senior Coach, vice president of China Hockey Council and former Chief of China National Roller Hockey Association.

The two coachfellow player boys were born in 1940s, graduated from physical education college in 1960s, went abroad delegated by the Mao Tse-tong’s goverment in 1970s fighting Canada andAustraila hockey teams(see a scanned copy of the old newspaper picture and the Wikipedia introduction of Ken Dryden), and have been coaching the Chinese teams eversince 1970s.  Although they didn’t speak English, they knew well every Western skate brands as well as quality, created their own pairs of Chinese skates in 1970s,  and run their own factory business step by step eversince.

(Former China Ice Hockey coach Lui Shih-Ching and former Canadian NHL goaltender Ken Dryden in 1970s)
In the past 50 years, they see the great evolution of Chinese skating sports as well as the skate manufacturing industry. Now at their 60s, they still know every China indoor rinks(there are several hundred of them in China now), remember nearly every Asian skate players, and watch with passion each national skating match.As you see, we are much OLDER THAN THE INTERNET!

Although the business name of Champ Skates factory changed several times, the champion legend never does, with Champ Skates accepted by more and more dealers and skaters, both professional and recreational.

What We Offer

Win your skate champion with Champ Skates, too!

As an original skates manufacturter for four decades, we make and design durable skates for skating rinks & arenas, amateur skaters, artistic roller skaters, hockey players(rink hockey, in-line hockey, ice hockey), and speed skaters.

From its humble beginning, Champ Skates company Ltd. has been carrying a complete line of skates, including:

Quad roller skates for athletic artistic skating & figure skating, roller derby skating, quad rink hockey, and common artificial rink skating.

In-line (inline) skates(rollerblades) for racing inline speed skating & skate racing, inline hockey, aggressive inline skating, freestyle folk skating, and recreational skating.

Ice skates for artistic ice skating & figure skating, ice speed skating (long track ice speed skating & short track ice speed skating), traditional ice hockey, and ice rink rental skating.

Other series in test: Quad-line Skates, dirt skates, snow boards & skis, skateboards, snow boots, well as skating accessories & components, including boots, plates & frames, trucks, wheels, bearings, ice blades, apparel, etc. Custom-tailored skates are also available.

Other than skates, we offer skating-related devices including ice blade sharpener, rink ice trimming machine, heat-proof ice rink carpet, etc. We also offer domestic rink building & maintenance & renovation, and skate teaching & coaching services to kids, adults, and professional players with precontract.

“You name the Champ, we make the Skates…” 
From sketch to reality, let our factory become yours! Our experience will provide an unsurpassed solution to your most complex needs.

We welcome OEM & ODM & OBM skate orders, too. At Champ Skates Company Ltd., quality is our first priority. Rigid quality control systems and procedures govern our operations. We have developed the facilities, materials and procedures to recognize and fulfill almost any demanding requirements. You can rest assured depending on our expertised service, product quality, competitive pricing, and our staff of experienced people.

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In-line Skates & Rollerblades Wiki knowledge in Chinese




直排轮滑(Aggressive Inline、国语俗称轮刀Skate Blade)的发展有几百年的历史,1979年Scott Olsen改进了直排轮滑,由此开始了直排轮滑的迅速发展,并出现了各类赛事,成为世界流行的一项运动,并因为其特有的惊险刺激而成为极限运动的一员,与滑板、特技单车一起成为极限运动会的项目。直排轮滑、特技单车、滑板等三项运动俗称B3(都带有B字母,Bike、SkatBoard、Skate Blade)项目。



直排轮滑  直排轮滑




1、 直排轮滑这个创意已延续了大约有300年之久。最初是有一位17世纪的

直排轮滑  直排轮滑


2、 第一双专利的直排轮滑,在1819年于巴黎佩蒂布拉德(M.PETIBLED)所注册,而除了佩蒂布拉德外,当时还有许多其他直排轮滑的模型在欧洲和美国出产。
3、 在1979年,有一位名叫奥森(SCOTT OLSEN)的年轻冰上曲棍球选手在一家运动器材商店发现了一双老旧的直排轮滑鞋。他认识到这个设计的潜力,于是搭便车到芝加哥买下溜冰鞋公司那些停产的直排轮滑设计。他将新公司命名为ROLLERBLADE,也就成为了现在直排轮滑的同义词。
4、 自那时开始,直排轮滑变得在全世界非常流行。单单在美国,直排轮滑市场自从它被引进后,一年内便以22.6%的数字稳定地成长。
5、 今日,直排轮滑在美国排名前五大最多人参与的运动,同时也是6-17岁男性最常参与运动的首位。




1、 直排轮滑的特技挑战性必须归功于滑板,这个运动是在1981年开始,

直排轮滑  直排轮滑


2、 随着对这个运动的认识,逐渐产生了为了因应特技直排轮滑的溜冰鞋设计,这类设计让轮滑爱好者在街道上滑行以及在障碍物上能够有更多的控制。
3、 一连串的直排轮滑竞赛于90年代在美国展开,1995年ESPN在美国罗德岛举办首届极限运动会,令直排轮滑成为了主流运动,并获得全球媒体的注意。同时职业的直排轮滑选手逐渐争取到赞助商的支持。


1、 直排轮滑者协会(The Aggressive Skaters Association,ASA)在

直排轮滑  直排轮滑

1995年由萨伊斯(MARK SHAYS)及一群顶尖职业好手成立。

2、 ASA是直排轮滑的国际性授权组织,一手创办了ASA职业巡回赛(ASA PRO TOUR),其他经ASA授权举办的项目还包括NBC Gravity Games及ESPN X Games。




1、 是轮滑鞋外面的坚硬部分,多以耐用塑料造成,一抵御运动中的耗损,亦可以承受花式技巧所造成的刮磨及落地冲力。
2、 竞赛用直排轮滑并无配备如一般休闲用直排轮滑的通风设计,因为通风系统会减低外壳的厚度及耐用度。
3、 外壳脚掌以上的靴型部分有鞋带(LACES)或扣环(BUCKLES)绑紧,令足部可以穿稳直排轮。
4、 大部分直排轮外壳均附有铰链(HINGE),连接好靴筒及外壳下半部,在保持挺硬之余亦容许运动员可以弯腿或调校小腿位置角度。


1、 部分轮滑鞋现在均备有一条强力皮带,由鞋内套的后方伸展至脚掌前方,作用是让运动员的脚跟及脚掌不至于移位。


1、 用来包覆足部,作用类似足部的软垫,以不同密度的泡末胶制成,密度愈高则垫护愈硬,轮滑鞋的反应愈强。


1、 底座是连接外壳与轮子的结构。花式竞赛用直排轮滑必须比普通休闲轮滑鞋更能承受冲击力,材料采用铝合金或强化塑料,但一般运动员多采用铝合金制底座。
2、 底座距地面甚近的设计让运动员能保持低重心。同时底座与足部愈近,则可为运动员提供更大的摩擦力。
3、 现在的趋势是底座愈来愈贴近地面,而保持少于50-67毫米轮子大小的距离。
4、 底座与鞋之间的连接方面,由于特技表演摩擦力强,故采用铆钉(RⅣETS)将两者连接。某些制造商亦开始安设隐性的铆钉一避免过早磨损。


1、 这片长方形的薄片在底部中间内陷成曲线槽状,通常置于第二及第三个轮子中间的鞋子表面,作用是在运动员表演摩擦类动作时保护外壳免受磨蚀。
2、 材料采用金属或塑料。金属制摩擦片让运动员能保持更佳平衡,并可在与其他金属接触时免受磨蚀。而街头运动员则较多塑料制摩擦片以应付一般障碍物。


1、 通常置于第二及第三个轮子中间的一条塑制小栓。作用是为运动员在进行摩擦动作时为外壳提供更大保护。


1、 大小:大小不一,由44毫米至82毫米不等。轮子愈大,可以令速度提高,且有更多面积吸收震荡力。
 较小轮子让运动员的自主操纵性更大,加速亦愈快而滑行速度则较慢。而由于轮滑鞋底部空间较多,在做出摩擦性动作时可更得心应手。
 特技直排轮滑运动员一般采用较小轮子,更有趋势在底座上装更小的轮子。
2、 速度及耐用性。
3、 轮子排列:共有三种轮子装置在底座的方法
 摇椅型:第二及第三个轮子较第一及第四个突出。从侧面看就如摇椅之底部或一条宽抛物线。
 平面型:四个轮子安装于同一高度,皆能触及地面,大约三分之一至一半运动员采用。
 反摇椅型:与摇椅型刚好相反。第二及第三个轮较小或较第一及第四轮低陷,侧面看有如一条彩虹,这种安装方法限制了运动员的转向但在栏杆等障碍物上把抓较佳。


1、 所有运动员皆佩戴头盔急保护软垫,包括护腕、巨型护膝及护肘。特技直排轮滑运动员做穿着的护膝及护肘比一般休闲人士所用的大。而护胫则在抓栏动作失败时可以发挥保护作用。
2、 在正式比赛中,业余运动员须穿着全套保护软垫,包括护腕;而职业选手则只须佩戴头盔及遮盖膝盖(如穿短裤则戴护膝,或穿上过膝长裤亦可)



直排轮滑  直排轮滑


⒌ 上课。



⒈ 即使是在非常高速的情况下,你也能用它来刹车。
⒉ 用脚刹时,你的两个脚都能在地面上,这样就有助你保持平衡。
⒊ 当需要在交通繁忙地段刹车时(可能你身边有很多汽车或自行车),用脚刹能使你把自己的动作控制在尽可能小的范围内。
⒋ 用它刹车时,你还可以转向。
⒌ 刹车的声音经常可以警告他人你的出现。


如果滑行的路两旁是草地什么较软的东东的话,简单了,就滑到上面去. 那种表面能帮你减速,不过你得千万小心速度的突然变化. 如果之前你已经失控了,至少你摔的是草地,而不是和路面来次亲密接触了.


你的鞋或许会也或许不会撞上墙壁,这取决于您滑行的速度。关键点在与你要学会用胳膊作缓冲 (就象在站着做俯卧撑一样。) 一种练习的方法是这样的:穿上鞋在离墙1,2尺处站定,现在向墙壁倾倒,用手支撑。你应该会有轻微地反弹,前提是要避免头和墙撞上。靠墙的速度越快,反弹的程度越小。
Windbraking (借助风力)


低速滑行中,你可以脚跟并拢呈V字 (适用于倒溜),或脚尖并拢呈V字(适用于正溜),你的两鞋在撞到一起后,使你停止。这可能会使你向滑行的方向摔倒(取决于你当时的速度) ,因此你要有向前倾斜身体或向后倾斜身体的动作来补偿。
您甚至可以让动作更夸张一点. 两腿开列,超出肩宽,象前面一样在脚跟或脚尖方向上靠拢(这个动作不会使你的两鞋碰撞). 用腿力压你的内刃,减速会很有效果。这也可运用于比较高速的时候。

Advanced Runouts

上草地时,双膝保持弯曲,一只脚是在另一只脚前面的。几乎所有重量都在你首先接触草地的一脚上. 绷紧前腿,它就好象是在为后面的跟随腿犁出一条道一样。很少重量是落在后面的跟进腿上的。放松肌肉,后面的腿起的作用只是稳定和保持平衡而已。在这里,主导的腿要完成大多数的工作。


T-stop的原理是:由轮子提供摩擦力,来使滑行者停止。做动作时,一个脚拖后,它几乎处在一个和滑行脚成垂直的位置。双膝稍弯曲一点,在地面上拖拽你后脚的轮子。作动作时, 要强调一种概念,那就是拖拽的重点要放在脚跟上,而不是第一个轮子。如果你拖拽前轮太多,那只会让你转起来。整个过程中,你的身体重量主要放在那个保持滑行的(前) 脚上。假如是在高速的情况下,只有给后面拖动的鞋加更大的压力,才能使你在短时间内停下。切记此时你的身体重量的大部分还是放在你的前脚上的。
注: 一种特别值得注意的现象是:T-stop或任何一种用轮子拖拽来刹车的方法(譬如拖拽前轮),容易产生”被磨平的轮子”。如果在刹车的时候,你的轮子一点都不滚动,那么最后只能是一个结果,那就是你的轮子被磨平了。不圆的轮子将很大程度地影响顺畅的滑行。你的轮子就那样报废了。


此动作基本上和T-stop相似,不同点是现在你拖拽的只是一个前轮而已. 这个动作并不要求你的拖动脚一定要和前进方向成垂直。你可以比较自由地在一个弧度上拖拽前轮. 并且,您的前轮在触地时可以自由选定角度。(如果有老轮子,脚趾位置是它们的好归宿,那样就能避免损坏好轮子了。) 和T-stop比较,Toe-drag的好处是: 它只磨损你的一个轮子,更加重要地,你可以更好地在刹住时控制转向. 就算在拖拽时,前轮在滚动,那也能让你停下来。Toe-drag能让你在相当高速时停下. 但是,由于它只采用一个前轮刹车,因此和脚刹刹车或T-stop比,他的停止距离会更长些。
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Skating sports and skate structure knowledge in Chinese


本篇内容导读: 1、轮滑鞋结构组成。2、轮滑运动分类。3、轮滑鞋性能要点。4、评价与指南
一、 轮滑鞋结构组成
1 、鞋身(上鞋) 分硬壳和软面二种。硬壳材料低档有 PVC 塑料,中档用 PP 工程塑料,高档用强化 PU 聚酯三种。塑料易老化, PP 工程塑料不易老化、强度高,强化 PU 聚酯既有强度又有韧性。 PP 和 PU 又有低档与高档、国产与进口之分,质量性能及价格相差很大。
2 、鞋帮( CUFF ) 分硬帮壳和硬支架二种,材质同鞋身。
3 、内靴 布质内有海绵或高密度发泡材料,可脱卸,有厚薄之分。关系到舒适性及跟脚性。
4 、刀架(底座) 是连接外壳与轮子的结构。材质分塑料、工程塑料、铝合金。几十元儿童玩具轮滑鞋用塑料刀架;工程塑料刀架强度高、重量轻、有一定缓冲弹性;铝合金刀架强度很高,但重量稍重,有低档与高档、国产与进口之分,质量性能及价格相差很大。
5 、轮子 分 PVC 塑料轮和 PU 聚酯轮。塑料轮没有抓地性和弾性,聚酯轮弹性抓地性好。
大小:大小不一,由44毫米至82毫米不等。轮子愈大,可以令速度提高,且有更多面积吸收震荡力。较小轮子让运动员的自主操纵性更大,加速亦愈快而滑行速度则较慢。而由于轮滑鞋底部空间较多,在做出摩擦性动作时可更得心应手。PU 轮上标有硬度(一般为 72a -85a )表示耐磨性,硬度越高越耐磨,滑行较畅顺及吸震,但往往抓地性弹性就降低,进口高档 PU 轮能做到高硬度与高抓地性高弹性同时具备,因此价格相差很大。特技直排轮滑运动员一般采用较小轮子,更有趋势在底座上装更小的轮子。软硬系数:用作度量轮子的硬度。系数较高者较耐用而速度较高,但牵引力较小而抗震荡力较小。特技直排轮运动员一般采用高软硬系数的轮子已提高。
74A… 78A ……82A ……85A (A值越高越硬)
高抓地力 ...........一般抓地力
高回弹力 ...........一般回弹力
休闲用 72mm – 76mm 78A – 80A较软的轮子
速度用 76mm以上, 80mm较为普遍 视场地和道路之情况,
一般为 78A – 85A
极限用 65mm以下的小轮子 88A – 100A较硬的轮子

6 、轴承 质量档次相差很大,进口高档轴承精度高、钢质好、高速旋转高热下膨胀小稳定性好,灵活耐用。价格也高。
总之,高端鞋与低端鞋具体设计及各部分所用材质相差极大,导致价格从几十元到二三千元,甚至几万元,几十元的是玩具鞋,想学溜冰最好别买。比如高端平花鞋整双鞋子既做到高强度又做到重量轻,配用高硬度与高抓地性高弹性同时具备的进口高档 PU 轮和灵活耐用进口高档轴承。每个轮子两边均要放一个轴承, 中间用一个套筒分开。
一般单排鞋是用塑料套筒较高级的会用金属 (aluminum/ brass spacer)套筒;金属的磨擦力较少,能给予轴承最大的续转能力, 所以轮子转到速度较高。
一般现在的单排轮滑鞋都是用 608 的轴承 , 而单排轮滑鞋用的轴承分 abec 1 ~ 7 的等级, 等级愈高代表愈精密。轴承的好坏不能只依 abec 的指数来决定,不同厂家的产品的差别常常大于这些指数, 一般休闲单排鞋所用的大多是abec3 ~ 5 的一般轴承 。
1. 平花鞋,上鞋高,轮子是香蕉轮也就是中间两个轮子大,两边的轮子小。活动灵活,适合做各种平花动作。
一般指的就是极限轮滑,这是轮滑运动中比较特别的运动形式。其中包括“STREET”(街区)和 “RAMP”(U型池),每人通过各种技巧来演绎自己对“极限”的理解。
跳跃(Jump)。这里指的是跳跃,其包括:花样跳跃(Style Jump or Figure Jump),特技跳跃(Acrobatic Jump or Pure Height),高台跳跃(High Jump),跳水(Water Jump)。从英文的解释上大家或许对这些各种各样的跳跃有所了解。对于花样跳跃而言,其要求有较高的技术,空中优美动作展示,现在有许多技术动作被注册了,例如:the Zulu, the rucksack, 180 °, 360 °, the wizard, the karate等等。对于特技跳跃和高台跳跃而言,唯一区别就是,高台跳跃是通过一个跳台起跳的,可以跳得更高,从而做出更加复杂的动作。对于跳水(Water Jump)而言,由其英文解释大家或许能猜出其就是从抛台跳跃出做出各种各样的动作然后坠落水中。
这里指的是平花,其中主要包括花式绕桩(Freestyle Slalomn)和速度绕桩(Speed Slalomn)两类。目前流行的平花绕桩主要采用的是单排轮滑鞋,在欧洲一些城市也有用双排轮滑鞋(quads)玩平花绕桩的,这种用于平花双排轮滑鞋其轮子一般比较软如78A,和我们常见在室内木地板上练习花样轮滑的双牌轮滑鞋有很大的区别,主要是轮子一个适合是室内用,另一个是适合室外用。
是一种很新的轮滑项目,在欧洲新颖也不过两、三年时间。其主要灵感来源是来自Fitness的速度与Aggressive的技巧,并结合了速降(Downhill),速滑(Speed),特技轮滑(Acrobatic rollerskating)是一种全新的,反应现代轮滑发展的玩儿法,目前在欧美已经成为一种都市轮滑精神的象征。
速刹(Slide),这里指的是刹停技术,有时候也称为平地刹停(Cess Slide)其目的是为了在不同情况下,短时间内停下来。其内容、风格和难度系数与平花(Slalomn)有较大区别,因玩法较为刺激,现代很多玩家将其归为FSK一类。
这里说的是轮滑球,关于轮滑球的hockey种类主要有:Roller hockey,Inline hockey,Street hockey ,Ringettes。每种hockey,都有场地,球,球杆,球刀等各细节的区别。
这里指的是花样轮滑,其中包括常见双排花样轮滑和直排花样轮滑,它们与花样滑冰(Ice figure skating)有诸多相似之处。
三、 性能要点

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China Hockey and Champ Skates History

Champ Skates Company Ltd. is an over 40-year-old China skates manufacture factory. Its products have been equiped for numerous traditional figure skaters, hockey players, and prevailing speed skaters from China and worldwide.


China Hockey Legend across Centuries 

The factory was founded in 1970 by Lui Shih-Ching and Alan Yaenn, one of the earliest professional players of  mainland China Hockey Team, once the national champion hockey team captain,  now the National Senior Coach, vice president of China Hockey Council and former Chief of China National Roller Hockey Association. 


The two coachfellow player boys were born in 1940s, graduated from physical education college in 1960s, went abroad delegated by the Mao Tse-tong’s goverment in 1970s fighting Canada and Austraila hockey teams(see a scanned copy of the old newspaper picture and the Wikipedia introduction of Ken Dryden), and have been coaching the Chinese teams eversince 1970s.  Although they didn’t speak English, they knew well every Western skate brands as well as quality, created their own pairs of Chinese skates in 1970s,  and run their own factory business step by step in 1970s.

(China Ice Hockey Player Lui Shih-Ching and Canadian Player Ken Dryden in 1970s)

(China Ice Hockey Player Lui Shih-Ching and Canadian Player Ken Dryden in 1970s)

In the entire past 50 years, they see the great evolution of Chinese skating sports as well as the skate manufacturing industry. Now at their 60s, they still know every China indoor rinks(there are several hundred of them in China now), remember nearly every Asian skate players, and watch with passion each national skating match.

(A exchanged team flag of Roller Hockey World Chamionship Macau 2004)

(A exchanged team flag of Roller Hockey World Chamionship Macau 2004)

 (The oldest quad hockey skates we preserve from 1972)

(The oldest quad hockey skates we preserve from 1972)

As you see, we are OLDER THAN THE INTERNET! Although the name of the factory changed several times into now Champ Skates Company Ltd., the champion legend never does, with Champ Skates accepted by more and more dealers and skaters both professional and recreational.


(The trophy of China Roller Hockey Championship 2004)

(The trophy of China Roller Hockey Championship 2004)

What We Offer

Win your skate champion with Champ Skates, too!

As an original skates manufacturter and supplier for four decades, we make and design durable skates for skating rinks & arenas, amateur skaters, artistic roller skaters, hockey players(rink hockey, in-line hockey, ice hockey), and speed skaters.
From its humble beginning, Champ Skates company Ltd. has been carrying a complete line of skates, including:

Quad roller skates for athletic artistic skating & figure skating, roller derby skating, quad rink hockey, and common artificial rink skating.

In-line (inline) skates(rollerblades) for racing inline speed skating & skate racing, inline hockey, aggressive inline skating, freestyle folk skating, and recreational skating.

Ice skates for artistic ice skating & figure skating, ice speed skating (long track ice speed skating & short track ice speed skating), traditional ice hockey, and ice rink rental skating.

Other series in test: Quad-line Skates, dirt skates, snow boards & skis, skateboards, snow boots, etc.

as well as skating accessories & components, including boots, plates & frames, trucks, wheels, bearings, ice blades, apparel, etc. Custom-tailored skates are also available.

Other than skates, we offer skating-related devices including ice blade sharpener, rink ice trimming machine, heat-proof ice rink carpet, etc. We also offer domestic rink building & maintenance & renovation, and skate teaching & coaching services to kids, adults, and professional players with precontract.

(YU Feng-tong, the 500M champ of world Ice Speedskating Championships 2005 wearing China national flag after game)

(YU Feng-tong, the 500M champ of world Ice Speedskating Championships 2005 wearing China national flag after game)

“You name the Champ, we make the Skates…” 
Let our factory become yours! Our experience will provide an unsurpassed solution to your most complex needs.

We welcome OEM & ODM & OBM skate orders, too. At Champ Skates Company Ltd., quality is our first priority. Rigid quality control systems and procedures govern our operations. We have developed the facilities, materials and procedures to recognize and fulfill almost any demanding requirements. You can rest assured depending on our expertised service, product quality, competitive pricing, and our staff of experienced people.

Champ Skates, your champ choice!

Posted in artistic roller skates, figure skates, Hockey Skates, quad skates, speed skating | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

China Skates Manufacturer

For global skaters, Champ Skates Co., Ltd is the premier China producer of quad roller skates, in-line roller skates, and ice skates, as well as other skating products, such as snow boards, skateboards, skis, sleds, scooters, etc.

We cover a wide variety of skates for different use.

Quad roller skates for athletic artistic skating & figure skating, quad rink hockey, and common artificial rink skating.

In-line (inline) skates for racing inline speed skating & skate racing, inline hockey, aggressive inline skating, freestyle folk skating, and recreational skating.

Ice skates for artistic ice skating & figure skating, ice speed skating (long track ice speed skating & short track ice speed skating), traditional ice hockey, and ice rink rental skating.

Besides, we also provide new style skates, i.e. dirt skates, quad-line skates,

Searching on “china skates manufacturer”, we are ranked in the very 1st page.

Nevertheless, WE ARE OLDER THAN THE INTERNET! Please clock the following link ( for the Champ Skates Legend.

In western world, many a China product is considered cheap. Well, well, we are never cheapskate! In Champ Skates factory, quality is our first priority. You will see the best stuff, comparable to any well-known brands. For 42 years, constant quality improvement has been our goal eversince our foundation, that’s why we name ourselves the Champ Skates.

For more information on what we can help, please visit We await your inquiry.

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Three Kinds of Ice Skates

Hockey skates

Hockey skates

Popular with recreational skaters, ice hockey skates are light weight, with tough boots and short blades, allowing for quick turns and maneuvers. Blades do not have toe brakes, so skaters can brake using standard or hockey stops.

Figure skates

Figure skates

Figure skates have similarly short blades, with the addition of toe brakes. The boots themselves are often black or white leather, with female boots including a small heel.

Speed skates

Speed skates

Recognisable from their particularly long blades, speed skates are far less maneuverable than hockey or figure skates, and so aren’t suitable for recreation. Seen in the Winter Olympics, the blades pivot at the toe, like cross country skis, to allow a full skating motion.

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Let’s ice skate to the sunset horizon

The Netherlands is a small country of 16 million people, but it boasts a quarter of a million competitive speedskaters, and millions more who skate for fun. What’s the story? Natural ice in the Netherlands is a rare occurrence. In fact, some winters there’s no natural ice at all. Maybe that explains why the Dutch love to skate outdoors. They hardly ever get the chance! But when a cold wave hits, and the interconnected maze of canals, rivers and lakes freeze over, it’s a spontaneous celebration, a national holiday. Businesses close their doors and everyone goes skating. According to Richard van Ammerzoden, a skater from Rotterdam, skating in Holland originated as a poor man’s sport. Isolated by mud and water in the damp winters, rural farmers prayed for ice. When it came, just like Hans Brinker, they strapped on their wooden skates with leather thongs, and traveled great distances to visit friends and relatives they hadn’t seen in months. Then they skated home.
Perhaps that explains the origin of the Elfstedentocht or “Eleven Cities Tour”, a 200-kilometer mega-tour in the province of Friesland known as “the mother of all skating tours.” In the 1890s, some Frisian farmer with well-developed leg muscles tried to skate through all eleven cities of Friesland in a single day. He succeeded, and the rest is history.

Photo taken at the Holysloter Die nearby Amsterdam. A family happening where Dutch families skating to the sunset horizon enjoying kilometers of natural ice. Today I took a day off enjoying the natural ice. I did skate a tour from Amsterdam – Ransdorp – Holysloot – Uitdam – Zuiderwoude to Monnickendam and back – about 40km. I did skate a tour from Amsterdam – Ransdorp – Holysloot – Uitdam – Zuiderwoude to Monnickendam and back – about 40km. This photo I took on my way home to Amsterdam. In the distance you can see the smoke of the Power Plant “Hemweg” of Amsterdam. Tomorrow extreme low temperature of -15 degrees Celcius is expected.

Zo’n 1000 jaar geleden of eerder begon men te schaatsen . Toen hadden ze nog geen ijzer uit gevonden dus deden ze dat met botten van geslachte of dode dieren. Die maakten ze een beetje scherp, bonden ze met touwen onder hun voeten vast en zo kwamen ze al een beetje vooruit. Toen er ijzer uit werd gevonden waren er al vrij snel ijzeren schaatsen in plaats van schaatsen van botten. Nederland is het enige land waar zoveel mensen schaatsen. De schaats is ook in Nederland uitgevonden. Ook in Noorwegen schaatsen veel mensen maar lang niet zoveel als in Nederland. Er ligt daar meestal te veel sneeuw op het ijs. Als er twee nachten matige vorst is geweest slaat de gekte weer toe. Erwtensoep in de pot, schaatsen uit het vet en tochten maken. Helaas heeft het al jaren niet meer gevroren, weet een hele generatie niet wat natuurijs maar nu lijkt eindelijk de weer een vorst periode aan te breken waar op natuurijs geschaatst kan worden.

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Olympic Hockey

Attempt to hit a small rubber object into a small metal cage
Ice hockey is one of the fastest and most physical sports in the world, let alone the Winter Olympics.

When 12 players come together on the ice and attempt to hit a small rubber object into a small metal cage, the results can be pretty spectacular.

The 2010 tournament will mark the first time since NHL players were allowed to compete, that the Olympics will be held in a city with an NHL team.

For the first time, Olympic games will be played on a narrower, NHL-sized ice rink
 Two losers go through to the bronze medal play-off
The 12 qualifiers are divided into two groups of six.

Each country plays each team in their group once, with the top four teams from each group going through to the quarter-finals.

The four fixtures depend on the final group positions, so the team that tops Group A plays the team that finished fourth in Group B.

The winners of the quarter-finals go through to the semi-finals.

The two winners qualify for the final, while the two losers go through to the bronze medal play-off.
 Vancouver 2010 Olympic Authentic Hockey Puck
Amazon Price: (as of 09/08/2010)
  20 players in the men’s competition and 18 in the women’s
The object of the game is simple – score more goals than the opposition. Goals are scored by hitting a rubberised disc called a puck into a goal.

A game is divided into three 20-minute periods, with each period restarted with a face-off, where two opposing players attempt to gain possession of the puck after it is dropped in the centre circle by the referee.

Each squad consists of up to 20 players in the men’s competition and 18 in the women’s.

There are unlimited substitutions, but a team can only have a maximum of six players on the ice at any one time while play is in progress.
 Abuse of officials
A player can legitimately use their shoulder or hip to challenge a player in possession of the puck.

This is called body-checking and is perfectly legal. However, referees are tough on illegal body contact, which is punishable by a penalty and time in the sin-bin.

If a player is sent to the sin-bin, the advantage to the opposition is called a powerplay.

Penalties are given for:
Illegal use of the stick
Tripping, kneeing or kicking
Roughness or fisticuffs
Holding an opponent
Obstructing an opponent
Illegally checking an opponent
Abuse of officials

The duration of penalties depends on the severity of the offence.

A two-minute minor penalty is called for lesser infringements, while five-minute major penalties or 10-minute misconduct penalties can also be given.

Game misconduct, gross misconduct or match penalties are awarded for more serious offences. These rule the player out for the rest of the game and can result in further suspension.

However the team is not penalised and can continue to have five players on the ice at any one time.

Minor penalties finish when the time runs out or the other team scores on the powerplay.

Players can be also be given double minor penalties. These are two consecutive two-minute penalties.

If a score occurs on the first minor, the remaining time is then erased and the second two-minute period begins immediately.

However major penalties must be served for the full five-minute duration regardless of goals scored.

Ice hockey has a reputation for the odd fight, which the authorities are keen to erradicate. Any player guilty of starting a fight or of excessive roughness is thrown out of the game.

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